Self-healing is exactly what it states. All clients are responsible for their own healing.

Healing in the Field’s services and information have not been scientifically proven. Certain practices and protocols offered on this website can help aid in healing many types of medically diagnosed diseases—- and of course I must say… they are not designed to replace medical treatments, medical diagnoses and or professional counseling.

All information at Healing in the Field, is the personal opinion of the authors at Healing in the Field.

Healing in the Field can compliment whatever type of physical and or psychological treatment you are undergoing.

Healing in the Field does NOT promise healing or curing. This holistic, non-physical yoga, helps to activate the flow of energy in the body, which can, in some cases, help the body self-heal.

Healing in the Field is not equipped to work with people with severe mental or psychological disorders, Children under the age of 13 must be accompanied by the parent or guardian).

Healing in the Field’s main objective is to help each individual get in alignment with their own Inner Wisdom. The techniques and practices taught have worked for the author.

Healing in the Field is a non-denominational holistic practice.


We do not share or sell emails or personal information.

All transactions are made through encrypted sites. Stripe and or etransfer.

All private recorded sessions are sent to clients and only shared on this website with their authorization. Group sessions may be shared on this site.