The Live Guided Energy Session/Meditations
Relax, heal, enjoy, journey within yourself — unwinding deep, energetic knots of energy, that hold you in unwanted patterns; whether it be emotional, mental or physical. Free yourself of tension, stress and the busy mind. Activate & deepen your ability to heal your body. Reclaim your inner strength and courage!
(click on images below for more details)
Coming Soon: MP 3’s of all Guided Meditations
“Catherine showed up in my life at a time when I didn’t know I needed her. I was drawn to her enthusiasm and confidence as she talked of her journey thru life and her ability to heal. Little did I know that down the road, my own journey would bring me directly to Catherine who was able to share her wisdom and intuition to guide me thru a difficult time. Once I was able to get back on my feet, I continued on my merry way but always seemed to carry Catherine’s voice and her teachings in my mind. Fast forward a few years later, my life became overcast with loss and grief, and suddenly there was Catherine showing up in my life when I needed her. She shared her meditations which I find incredibly soothing and really speak to my soul. Her words ring with truth: “Ease will come. Soften, Accept and Allow”. Thank you Catherine, you are an anchor for me, and I am forever grateful. SM Nelson, B.C. ”