Don’t want to be feeling this?
I can show you how this is OK..yes it is!
Yes, resistance to feeling, what we are feeling, is truly futile!
Once I learned to flow my emotions everything changed for me. I’ve become happy, truly happy, even though I don’t have all the things I want in life and yes, I too still have those feelings arise that don’t feel great. No longer does anxiety, loneliness, worry, despair, anger, etc., rule my life. Why? I have mastered the Art of Feeling! I’ve learned to do what we were all designed as humans to do — feel our emotions as they arise! I don’t resist feeling those slow moving, not so nice feeling emotions when they come calling. I’ve learned to feel them, yes, just feel them. I don’t need to talk about them, clear them, fix them, or do any of those endless modalities taught, that really are just teaching us to bypass them. I just dive right into the sensation of them, in my physical body.
This is when the magic happens. Those yucky feelings start to transform, speed up, into lighter, faster, nicer feeling emotions. Sometimes it takes seconds or minutes to feel through. Sometimes it takes longer and the emotion will arise at intervals to feel. It all depends on what the stored emotion (trauma) is, how long we’ve resisted it and how willing we are to go there, completely.
The scariest most uncomfortable place to be inside ourself, is the healthiest and safest place to be. These slow moving vibrations are creating things in life we do not want. When we meet it with softness and acceptance and just allow it to flow, we are meeting a place within us that is hurt, closed off, shut down. Why bypass or make wrong a place within us that cries out for love?
Emotional mastery does exist and the people that I know, that have emotional mastery are daily learning to create more and more good feelings. The vibrations under those nice feeling emotions, create powerful, physical manifestations…the ones we want! When we are feeling great, we are aligned to the Infinite Self, The Presence, Spirit, True Self (whatever you’d like to call it), and we can hear the wisdom and feel the love and guidance it has for us.
We all vibrate different feelings in various areas of our lives. You may have lots of wonderful friends, money, good health; but are in a toxic romantic relationship, where you are not treated well.
Those parts of your life that are working the way you want show you, that you vibrate faster on those topics. Underneath your ‘feeling’ on romantic relationships, you’d be vibrating slower feelings like unworthiness or fear. Those vibrations, along with some pretty scary stories attached to them, created a partner that mirrored them to you.
There is no right or wrong here, it’s just how our universe works.
Soften , accept and allow all feelings. Meet them, soothe them , like you’d soothe a hurt child or lost puppy. Feel them swirl, pulsate, vibrate in your physical body. Breath into them. Try to drop any story you have about them.
I know so many people who are trying to ‘fix’ themselves because they have feelings that don’t feel good. (I was one of them for a very long time) We all learned to bypass bad feeling emotions from people who learned to bypass them and so on and so on. Do you hear yourself saying “I’ve got to work on my stuff?”
We aren’t going to feel happy or blissful all the time, but we can feel that more of the time if we meet those feelings we don’t like without resistance. We then discover that bliss, joy, grace, love, etc., live within all emotions.
Just feel. It’s a start.
Lots of love, Catherine
PS Everything offered at Healing in the Field, teaches you to feel, once again.
Grace Healing Field Meditation coming up this Sunday, April 7, 9:30 am - 11:05 am Pacific
Bask in this beautiful soft Field of Energy. Let Grace do the work for you!
The Divine Insight Healing Field Transmission is a soft, nurturing, wide field, that helps us release stagnate energy that relates to rejection of self and the ways we are split off.
It helps us witness how we are trying to escape our feelings of worry & fear - using external means to find happiness.
Find within you a place of deep stillness and quiet, where Divine Insight reveals your unique gifts…perhaps the ones you didn’t even know you had.
Trauma Awareness
Learn to gently meet those hurt places within and free yourself forever!
New Price - Introduction to Trauma Awareness™ - $99.00 (Includes 1 Grace Healing Field Transmission & 1 - 1hr. private session) For more info.
For more info. (click here)